Friday, August 20, 2010

Men!!! how best not to bruise the male ego?

it has come to my attention that sometimes I say things in passing that can be considered sarcastic and bruise the male ego. I love men in general and want to communicate better with them. All your comments are appreciated - hopefully they are constructiveMen!!! how best not to bruise the male ego?
Bah! We men aren't as frail as you may think. While a comment or two may bruise our egos, this bruise is generally only a temporary thing. We are far more likely to shrug it off and move on then we are to wallow in depression and despair from a couple of off hand remarks.

In the off chance that you may have said something that cut deep like a butcher's knife on steroids, something so heartless that it would make us re-evaluate you as a person, we'd probably just dump you and find another gal who was not quite so malicious.

BTW, I find a sarcastic woman to be sexy! As long as her sarcasm is rooted in humor and not spite.Men!!! how best not to bruise the male ego?
In general, I would say don't mock the things we hold sacred. For many, that's the world of cars, sports and fast things. For others, that's more creative.
you love men...nuff said get out
lay off sarcasm regarding:

our penis,

our quickness (or limpness)

our body odor,

our car,

our Mom,
don't talk about our mothers - especially black males.

and best way NOT to bruise male ego - penis size.

and probably the car they're driving in an insulting way.


metrosexual males:

the way they dress, their hair,


follow-up: and never, never call a black man a punk or even if they are homosexual.
  • cat skin problem
  • tvs
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