Monday, August 16, 2010

Why do a majority of women communicate their feeling so badly with men in their relationships?

Please check out this link to an article below for an example of what I mean, then give me your opinion on how we (men and women) can help each other solve the male-female relationship problems in the America we live in today. An American society where the divorce rate is about 60% and rising, unfulfilled marriages rate is a whopping 76% and women are the dumpers of men in relationships at a rate of 85%.

I mean, is anybody (men and women) really happy with the current state of relationships in America? Does anybody (men and women) want anything better from their male-female relationships then this future? The only people aI could see against it would be Lawyers. Their pockets are really getting fat over our own relationship issues:

Thanking you in advance to all persons who have provided input to this important topic.Why do a majority of women communicate their feeling so badly with men in their relationships?
Firstly, that article may have some good points, but they are buried in misogynistic language. Saying repeately that all women want to do is hurt men by demanding men stop being men is patently ridiculous, and just saying it over and over again doesn't make it true.

Men and women have different communication styles, but that doesn't mean they are wrong. True, sometims it seems like all women want to do is talk around a problem, but they don't see it that way. And men don't just talk around an issue, they refuse to discuss many thiings with women because they are afraid that it will make them look weak.

Both sexes have the same complaints about each other. What we should be doing is trying to bridge those gaps and figure out how to effectively communicate with a specific individual, by active listening, which entails repeating the person's comments back to them in your own way, among other things.

We need to stop blaming others for being different from ourselves, and appreciate that we all have something to offer each other. That will go a long way to bridging that communication gap.Why do a majority of women communicate their feeling so badly with men in their relationships?
No, I'm not happy with the current state of relationships in America. I think that with all the violence going on in the world, we should get together more and be more like a family. Every household should have a mother and father figure in the same house. These young children are our tomorrow, and if we don't show them an example of what relationship is supposed to be like, then who will?

Being a female, I believe that women communicate their feelings in a bad way because they want to say so much, but when the time comes to say it, they forget all about it. We hold inside so much and our emotions just take control when we actually see the person. It's very hard being a female, some can actually communicate and some of us just can't...and that's just the way it is.
Because some women are afraid to loose the guy when she starts expressing her feelings, he'll think shes bitzhing and moaning about nothing. But that only makes things worst by holding it in because then she start getting irritated with him over nothing.
because men and women see things differently and its hard for women to communicate with men is because we try to brake it down to where we think men can understand but in reality we just made it even more confusing then before.
Men and women think different, I'm a female, a female uses twice as many words in a day then men. Most men use there words up at work, and when they get home the lady just need to use up her words to keep her sanity. We talk to release stress. nothing more, most of our conversations are not logical at that time.

When men get home most of them go in there cave, it could be reading the paper, the computer, or watching the game. We as females need to give the man his quite time, most of them used there words up at work or with there Friends. We need to hang out with more females just to talk out our stress. Like shopping sells, children, work, our men, etc. we are great people. It not that we communicate our feelings badly we just need to get our words out it don't matter how. Once we talk we feel so much better. I hope you understand us better. from a women's point of view.
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