Friday, August 20, 2010

Men: if you are interested in a girl would you use facebook to interact or flirt or would you prefer in person

I'm beginning to think Facebook the social networking site, is an impersonal and artificial way to communicate with friends etc. I'm just curious as to how men think of facebook as a medium for flirting or interacting with a woman you are interested in or curious about.. or would you prefer email and face to face. my sense is most men don't like to communicate via email but would prefer to actually talk to people... ie men's emails are typically much shorter than women's in general communication.Men: if you are interested in a girl would you use facebook to interact or flirt or would you prefer in person
I actually did the facebook flirting before. It ended up disastrous. Here is the problem. Email, facebook takes out all of the reality to relationships. I much prefer face to face. That is really the only sure way to go.Men: if you are interested in a girl would you use facebook to interact or flirt or would you prefer in person
it can be used as a tool, i.e, messaging a girl or seomthing to initiate conversation on something like aim, and then setting up a time to meet in real life. Personally, I met my current gf irl on the last day of school, found her myspace and 5 months later we are still together.
some might be to scared in person where others do it to be someone else. Being in person is best with me. You get more out of them longer conversations. facial expressions the whole works.
I don't like meeting people from dating sites because everything is so stat-based and having to define myself in that way makes me feel bad.

Also, I find I get a way better reaction from people when I meet them in person, rather than online.
It is because sometimes is harder to communicate what you want verbally.

Through Facebook or any other sites, people have the time to think carefuly what they want, or what are they thinking, so yeah it helps~

I'm not saying that the person has to do everything trough emails and so,, but it helps somehow.
the normal way , is person, be careful who u met in person,

there may physco guys in the world.

save girl day by day or women
i prefer interaction first through email, later on face to face, don't like flirting.
i guess reanea didnt understand the first word.your giving us a bad name!QUIT!Oh Jung not you too!
I used facebook to get back into contact with someone I was interested in back in high school. We dated right after for about a year and a half. Just ended matter of fact.

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