Monday, August 16, 2010

How do you know that God is really communicating to man? every time i pray sincerely i never seem to?

feel any differently or notice anything at all. am i being neglected or does God want to make it really reallly hard for me to know him? i am serious doubting He is even there, it seems i am all alone with no anwsers. iv'e tried but im going to give up because i dont' see any difference its making in my life.How do you know that God is really communicating to man? every time i pray sincerely i never seem to?
I guess it depends on what you are praying for, and how you are answered. If you pray for money and expect a pot of money to appear before you, then that's not going to happen. If you pray for peace of mind, and an assurance that God cares for you, then your mother calls and tells you she was thinking about you, that is the answer to that prayer.How do you know that God is really communicating to man? every time i pray sincerely i never seem to?
What are you looking for when you pray - a miracle Prayer saved my life over a year Don't believe don't
God is everywhere. You just aren't listening......God is a line in a song, a great book, a friend on the other end of the phone that you were just thinking about. He communicates in all ways. In every way. He is your clearest highest thoughts and feelings.

Ever hear the story about a guy who sits on top of his roof during a flood praying and waiting for God to rescue him.....along comes a boat which offers assistance. The man says ';No thanks I'm waiting for God.'; Then along comes a helicopter which also offers to rescue him. He refuses, holding out for God himself to come rescue him.

So he waits and waits....finally he asks God, ';How come You didn't come to rescue me?'; God replied, ';Who do you think sent you the boat and the helicopter?';

God is here, has always been here, and will always be here..........listen closely and you will hear Him.
Praying is YOU talking to God. Reading the Bible is God talking to YOU. Getting Discipled lets you understand those things.
God is there you just have to learn to recognize how he responds to you. He can respond throught scripture, circumstances, or even others or church. Maybe, your afraid of His answers or aren't ready to hear them.
You may be disappointed because the answers don't fit your preconception of what an answer should be.

He is as close as your breath.
do the ole saying:





god does listen to everyone!
Many especially try to draw close to God by praying to him. Prayer has been described as “an act of communication by man with the sacred or holy—God, the gods, the transcendent realm, or supernatural powers.” (The New Encyclopædia Britannica) When approaching God in prayer, however, some think only in terms of what they can get out of it.

Prayer is not an empty ritual, nor is it merely a means by which to gain something. A major reason for approaching God is to have a close relationship with him. Our prayers should therefore be directed to Jehovah God. “Jehovah is near to all those calling upon him,” said the psalmist David. (Psalm 145:18 Ps. 83:18; Exodus 6:3 ) Jehovah invites us to come into a peaceful relationship with him. (Isaiah 1:18) Those responding to this invitation agree with the psalmist who said: “As for me, the drawing near to God is good for me.” Why? Because those who draw near to Jehovah God will enjoy true happiness and peace of mind.—Psalm 73:28.

Why pray to God for help if he ‘knows what we need before we ask him’? (Matthew 6:8; Psalm 139:4) Prayer shows that we have faith in God and view him as the Source of “every good gift and every perfect present.” (James 1:17; Hebrews 11:6) Jehovah takes pleasure in our prayers. (Proverbs 15:8) He is glad to hear our meaningful expressions of appreciation and praise, just as a father rejoices at hearing his young child speak sincere words of gratitude. (Psalm 119:108) Where there is a good father-child relationship, there is warm communication. A child who is loved wants to talk to his father. The same is true when it comes to our relationship with God. If we really appreciate what we are learning about Jehovah and the love he has shown for us, we will have a strong desire to express ourselves to him in prayer.—1 John 4:16-18.

When approaching the Most High God, we should be respectful, though there is no need to worry excessively about the exact words that we use. (Hebrews 4:16) We always have access to Jehovah. And what a privilege it is that we can ‘pour out our heart’ to God in prayer! (Psalm 62:8) Appreciation for Jehovah leads to a warm relationship with him, like the one that the faithful man Abraham enjoyed as God’s friend. (James 2:23) But when praying to the Sovereign Lord of the universe, we must comply with his requirements for approaching him.


What, then, is required? A right heart attitude is one essential. (2 Chronicles 6:29, 30; Proverbs 15:11) In our heart we must exercise faith in Jehovah God as the “Hearer of prayer” and “the rewarder of those earnestly seeking him.” (Psalm 65:2; Hebrews 11:6) We must also have a humble heart. (2 Kings 22:19; Psalm 51:17) In one of his illustrations, Jesus Christ showed that when approaching God a humble tax collector with a lowly heart attitude proved more righteous than an arrogant Pharisee. (Luke 18:10-14) As we approach God in prayer, let us remember that “everyone that is proud in heart is something detestable to Jehovah.”—Proverbs 16:5.

If we desire to have God answer our prayers, we have to cleanse ourselves of sinful conduct. When the disciple James encouraged others to draw close to God, he added: “Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you indecisive ones.” (James 4:8) Even wrongdoers can come into a peaceful relationship with Jehovah if they repent and leave their former way of life. (Proverbs 28:13) We cannot have audience with Jehovah if we merely pretend that we have cleansed our way. “The eyes of Jehovah are upon the righteous ones, and his ears are toward their supplication; but the face of Jehovah is against those doing bad things,” says God’s Word.—1 Peter 3:12.

The Bible states: “There is no man righteous in the earth that keeps doing good and does not sin.” (Ecclesiastes 7:20) You might therefore ask: ‘How, then, can we approach Jehovah God?’ The Bible answers: “If anyone does commit a sin, we have a helper with the Father, Jesus Christ, a righteous one.” (1 John 2:1) Though we are sinners, we can approach God with freeness of speech through Jesus Christ, who died as a ransom for us. (Matthew 20:28) He is the only channel through whom we can approach Jehovah God. (John 14:6) We must not take the merit of Jesus’ ransom sacrifice for granted and deliberately practice sin. (Hebrews 10:26) However, if we are doing our best to refrain from what is bad and yet err at times, we can repent and ask God for forgiveness. When we approach him with a humble heart, he will hear us.—Luke 11:4.

Jesus Christ valued his relationship with Jehovah very highly. Therefore, Jesus made time to talk to God in private prayer. (Mark 1:35; Luke 22:40-46) We do well to imitate Jesus’ example and pray to God on a regular basis. (Romans 12:12) It is fitting to start the day off with words of prayer, and before going to bed, we can rightly thank Jehovah for the day’s activity. During the day, make it a point to approach God “on every occasion.” (Ephesians 6:18) We can even pray silently in our heart, knowing that Jehovah can hear us. Privately talking to God helps us to cement our relationship with him, and praying to Jehovah daily helps us to draw ever closer to him.


12 Some may feel that God does not answer their prayers even though they pray to him through Christ. However, the apostle John said: “No matter what it is that we ask according to [God’s] will, he hears us.” (1 John 5:14) So, then, we need to ask according to God’s will. Since he is interested in our spiritual welfare, anything affecting our spirituality is an appropriate subject for prayer. We must resist the temptation to concentrate entirely on physical needs. For instance, while it is proper to pray for insight and fortitude to deal with illness, worries about health should not crowd out spiritual interests. (Psalm 41:1-3)

What may we include in our prayers so that Jehovah will be pleased to hear them? Jesus Christ taught his disciples how to pray. In the model prayer recorded at Matthew 6:9-13, he set out a pattern of subjects about which we may rightly pray. What should be of chief concern in our prayers? Jehovah God’s name and Kingdom must be the top priority. Asking for our material needs is appropriate. It is also important to ask for forgiveness of our sins and for deliverance from temptations and the wicked one, Satan the Devil. Jesus did not want us to chant this prayer or to repeat it over and over, reciting it without thinking about its meaning. (Matthew 6:7)

If we want God to hear our prayers, we must listen to what he says. (Zechariah 7:13) He no longer sends his messages through divinely inspired prophets and surely does not use spiritistic means. (Deuteronomy 18:10-12) But we can listen to God by studying his Word, the Bible. (Romans 15:4; 2 Timothy 3:16, 17) Just as we may need to acquire a taste for physical food that is good for us, we are urged to “form a longing for the unadulterated milk belonging to the word.” Cultivate a taste for spiritual food by reading God’s Word daily.—1 Peter 2:2, 3; Acts 17:11.

Meditate on what you read in the Bible. (Psalm 1:1-3; 77:11, 12) That means to ponder over the material. You might liken this to digesting food. You can digest spiritual food by relating what you are reading to things you already know. Consider how the material affects your life, or reflect on what it reveals about Jehovah’s qualities and dealings. Thus through personal study, you can take in the spiritual food that Jehovah provides. This will draw you closer to God and will help you to deal with day-to-day problems.
Just keep drinking the Kool-Aid.

Or see things for what they are, instead of the way you'd like them to be.
Praying to God is like whispering to some one a mile away - - in a major hurricane.
Free your mind and rest will follow

(Why oh why must it be this way)

Be color blind don't be so shallow

(Before you can read me you gotta learn how to see me)

Free your Mind - En Vogue
I've been there. Its like your expecting a sign to prove even in the smallest way that he can hear you. Thats the tough part of faith - believing in something that you arent sure of but trusting in yourself and Him that its there. Personally im not sure about Him either. go on a retreat if you can. IT sounds cheesys and over the top but im serisious they bring you to new levels of understanding sometimes

hope i helped

God bless
if ur doubting hes even there then do u expect him to make u think hes really there? try thinking he IS there
Keep praying Kevin. Youre bound to realize your doubts are there for a reason...

But, youre not alone. Many of us have had the same exact experiences. If it isnt making a difference in your life, why continue the charade?
Whenever I ask God for a word He answers me. Most of the time I don’t have to ask. God has spoken to me through dreams and the Bible. I can open my Bible right now and the Holy Spirit by the grace of God will guide me to a passage that is relevant to my current state of mind. God is communicating to you right now…just listen.
You sound discouraged. You are not alone. Do not tell yourself that. Don't believe or buy into that. Thoughts like that come from the master of deception and discouragement. God is answering. Sometimes I don't recognize it or want the answer I am getting, but the communication is there. I have to say, ';Thy will be done.'; And accept that the outcome is his will. Accept it as the best possible outcome, and move on. Here is the peaceful feeling... When you accept that he has answered and will work in your BEST interest. He heard you and the answer is there. Sometimes, you see a year later that the answer WAS there, and you were unable to see it at that moment. I

t does no good to give up on God. He is still there, and he will still intervene in your life whether you want him to or not. He will just arrange things so that you come back to him at a later date.

It IS making a difference. Even the scientific studies show that those who have faith in God are happier, more content, and have a longer lifespan. Read your bible. Try the book of John. Keep praying. Keep believing. Keep walking in faith. The proof is there. You just haven't seen it yet. I have been an active Christian for about 10 years. You will see it.

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