Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Summary help ? *Sigh*?

In Sherman and Haas鈥檚 essay they discuss the reasons why men and women have problems communicating. Based all on a national questionnaire and interviews. One reason for problems between opposite sex communication was the subjects and topics men and women talk about. Women are more emotional and talk more about family, and health while men are more likely to talk about sports, and music. The second reason is the type of style each sex uses. When men communicate they feel freedom and ease knowing that they do not have to worry about what they say. While women on the other hand liked the concern and understanding when they communicated with the same sex.

I know my grammar is probably terrible. Sorry ! I am learning slowly but surely !

How do I do my thesis statement now ? Summary help ? *Sigh*?
Sherman鈥檚 and Haas鈥檚 essay discusses the reasons why men and women have problems communicating. Their findings are based on a national questionnaire and interviews. They find that one reason for opposite sex communication difficulty is that men and women discuss difference subjects. Women tend to be more emotional and talk more frequently about family and health while men are more likely to talk about sports and music. The second reason is the type of style each sex employs during communications. When men communicate they feel freedom and comfort knowing that they do not have to worry about what they say to each other. On the other hand, women favor the concern and understanding present when communicating with other women. This makes men and women feel more comfortable during same sex communication and makes opposite sex communication more uncomfortable and therefore more difficult.

What is the premise of your thesis? Are you agreeing with their research or refuting it? Or do you find their research methods flawed? Your thesis statement depends on the direction you plan to take in your paper. It should tell the reader how you interpret the significance of the subject matter being discussed (in this case, Sherman鈥檚 and Haas鈥檚 research/essay). You thesis is typically a single sentence in your first paragraph that presents you argument and makes a claim that others might dispute.

Thesis statement examples:

The research of Sherman and Haas is not adequate enough to explain any difficulties in opposite sex communication difficulties. Or:

Sherman and Haas prove there are many reasons for opposite sex communication difficulties. Or:

Contrary to the findings of Sherman and Haas, opposite sex communications are not any more difficult than same sex communications.

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