Monday, August 16, 2010

Wat does a woman look for from a man that communicates that he has INTEREST in her?

How does a woman know when a man is interested in her? how does he communicate this?

What does she think, say, and do when she is interested in him, and how does she try to make the connection with him?

Also... if she is shy... what can the man do to get her to have the courage and confidence for him to get her number?Wat does a woman look for from a man that communicates that he has INTEREST in her?
1. Women usually know because of frequent short glances, broken eye contact (deliberate) and blushing and/or smiling.

2. She will act friendly towards him, smiling and making eye contact. Engaging in friendly chit-chat is a definite step towards a steady relationship.

3. Ask her up front. Shy women love assertive men.

Good luck.Wat does a woman look for from a man that communicates that he has INTEREST in her?
First of all, you have to know that women expect men to be mind readers which puts you in a good position right now because you seem to be inquisitive and just noticing the fact that she is shy is a heads up for you. Don't come on too strong at first. There may be a tiger under that pussy-cat front. Which will make things exciting in a relationship if it gets that far.

If she is shy (I was introverted when I was younger, lacked self confidence) she possibly won't look you in the eyes at first. If she is really shy and you approach she may not know how to reveal her feelings and the shyness may come off as dis-interest.

Depends on where you come in contact with her.

If you see her everyday at the same location, work, school, you know what I'm getting at.

It may sound immature but if you are at school, women like notes, love notes, flirty notes, hi how are ya notes, what's your # notes, smile if you like me notes.

If you see her at a variety store or coffee shop every day pay for her coffee. It's only a buck. Be creative. Women like that.

Did you see Made of Honour. The girl put her phone # on the sleeve of the coffee cup at Starbuck's.

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